Did You Know Verizon is Tracking Your Cellphone?

Lifehacker.com recently published an interesting article. Did you know that if you’re a Verizon customer your cellphone usage, apps, location and activity are being tracked? Lifehacker reports this information according to Droid life. Though Verizon claims this personal information will be kept anonymous many people are choosing to opt out of Verizon’s watchful eye.

Part of the unwillingness to share this information is the obvious privacy issue. However, this information is also being sold to third party advertisers.

Click above to read more on this topic including instructions on how to opt out…

If you are one of the many who choose to opt out; lifehacker offers these instructions:

“You’ll need to log into you account, then, as GottaBeMobile explains: you should be taken to a page where you can opt out of two sections. You’l want to opt-out of the first section, click save. Then, you’ll want to go back in and opt-out of the second option and hit save. And then you’ll want to go in and opt-out of the third section and click save. One of them, in the middle is pretty well hidden.”

If you would like to read the original article follow the source link below…

Source: lifehacker.com