9th Netbook Delivered

The 9th “Send a Soldier a Netbook” was presented on Memorial Day, at the VFW Post #7911 following the parade and memorials.
After graduation from Fennville High School in 2006, Morgan Bolles joined the US Army National Guard in 2007.He expects to be deployed in June to Iraq with his specialty in aviation. Marty Busser, past commander and Vietnam Veteran presented the Netbook to Morgan. Also in attendance was his Mother, Michele Garcia, and Betty Hardin.

Take Care Coming into the Holidays …

He asked if I’d take a quick look at his computer; it wasn’t working well and he didn’t have a lot of money to spend on it but he really needed his computer for his business – this afternoon if possible.  Friends being friends, I said “sure, bring it over”.  He brought me FIVE of them.  “Somebody” had already worked on them for him.  Two of them were literally gutted – parts lying loose inside the machine.

The original machine that we were talking about came in with “pop-ups” and “system32 errors”.    343 viruses plus a rogue antivirus program plus Norton Internet Security that expired a year ago.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is here!

Spring is upon us.  Flowers are blooming.  Tax day is gone.  It’s that time of year when we get out our brooms and mops and cleanup the dust that has accumulated throughout the winter.

It’s springtime!  God let a breath of fresh air come through the door this morning as my husband was going out.  Although it had a chill in it, there’s a difference—it’s not the chill of wintertime.

There are several things you should check now that spring is here …

How’s Your Memory?

Here’s a little memory test for everyone…

Most people know that you can right-click on the MY COMPUTER icon, choose PROPERTIES from the menu displayed, and see how much memory is in your computer.

But there is another way—and the other way will give you a little better idea whether or not you have enough memory.
Even if you’re not a computer whiz you can do this.

April Newsletter 2009

Below is the Blue Water News for April.  It is an Adobe PDF file, you will need the Acrobat Reader installed.

This issue includes Cleaning Your Computer, Preventative Maintenace Schedules and Checking Your Memory. 
